
Posts Tagged ‘boys

So this Ryan kid, last wednesday we were talking and he said he couldn’t do it anymore.  Meaning talk to me.  He said he had his own problems and he couldn’t deal with mine.  Thing is I was never asking him too.  He said he cared too much.  It hurt.  I don’t like getting my hopes up, especially with a guy, just to be dropped down and left alone.  I understand it though.  But what I don’t understand is why would he say this after I started eating again…

I hope everything gets better for him.  Maybe it’s best.  I don’t know if I can handle his problems.

  • None
  • vampporcupine: are so CUTE! I don't know why you look at yourself the way that you do. It may be adoption related or might not. You are adorable :). Remeb
  • Susie: I understand where your feelings are coming from ~ and I know it is so hard to overcome the "not good enough" image you have of yourself. I want to t
  • Susie: The unknown and wondering in adoption is enough to drive you crazy. Not that this probably helps at all, but I was always thinking of my son not only
