
Posts Tagged ‘Mayan

So I’ve always been confused about how to identify myself.  Both of my birth parents are Mayan.  So I liked to identify myself as a Mayan, because of all the Mexican stereotypes and I didn’t want to deal with that.  But as I got older I started identifying myself as a Mexican.  I did some research and asked some adults and I might be Guatemalan.  Am I both?  Also it was brought to my attention that I can identify myself as a Native American because Mayans are native to the Americas.  I never looked at it like that before.  Now I have all of these possibilities and I’m kind of lost in them.  I don’t know what to call myself.  It’s confusing.  It’s more of a I want to know how to identify myself rather than a I want to know to tell someone else.  It’s important to me.  I get so lost sometimes.  It’s easy to when you’re in a family who is completely Irish and the home is filled with that heritage.  That isn’t a bad thing and I do enjoy learning about the Irish culture, but I want to know about mine.  I know about Mayans but is that all I am? Am I Mexican or Guatemalan too?  What does my mom identify herself as?

  • None
  • vampporcupine: are so CUTE! I don't know why you look at yourself the way that you do. It may be adoption related or might not. You are adorable :). Remeb
  • Susie: I understand where your feelings are coming from ~ and I know it is so hard to overcome the "not good enough" image you have of yourself. I want to t
  • Susie: The unknown and wondering in adoption is enough to drive you crazy. Not that this probably helps at all, but I was always thinking of my son not only
